Pastor's Corner

9th February, 2025

The members of the assembly who listen carefully to the Word of God can identify with this Sunday's readings. There seems to be a certain movement in them that can impact us all: from our baptismal call to our ministry, from our sense of vocation to action and service. In the First Reading, we hear the call of a young Isaiah in the Temple and, despite his initial resistance, he accepts the mission that God places before him and becomes his prophet. Finally, in Saint Luke's Gospel, Jesus appears in Simon's boat and listens to his frustrations because he has not been able to catch any fish all night.

Simon Peter trusts Jesus and casts the nets into deep water. More important than the fish he catches is his profession of faith before the Lord, and the concluding words of Jesus: "Do not be afraid. From now on, you will be fishers of people." These readings invite us to reflect on and discuss our personal and communal vocation as ordained or lay ministers. It is also recommended that the faithful discuss vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life from within their own community, since this is a topic that is not frequently brought up.

Rev. Juan J. Sosa