Pastor's Corner

20th October, 2024

In the First Reading today, Isaiah describes certain aspects of the Suffering Servant, the subject of his third book. The main characteristic is the suffering he endures for the crimes of others. The letter to the Hebrews attributes these characteristics to Christ himself. In this Second reading, the author of this letter names Jesus as Son of God, High Priest Mediator between God and all humanity. Christ's embodiment of our fragile human nature for the sake of our redemption gives him the title of Suffering Servant. In the Gospel, the apostles do not seem to understand the implications of following Jesus until the end. For this reason, James and John ask the Lord whether they can be by his side "when he enters into glory."

In this pericope, the Gospel writer recounts the reaction of the other apostles to this request, and Jesus' subsequent instruction: Pride and power can never lead to peace, only to division and resentment. In their total surrender to martyrdom, the apostles will receive a second Baptism. But first, they must learn to be servant leaders to others not to be powerful and oppressive. These reflections help us to surrender ourselves for the sake of others. In this surrender, a suffering of healing can be found that helps us to overcome divisions. We ask ourselves, who has been a good example of leadership to us? Our parents, teachers, siblings, superiors? Let us identify them and seek their intercession.

Rev. Juan J. Sosa