Pastor's Corner

16th June, 2024

In today's First Reading, the prophet Ezekiel announces that God will gather people by cutting out a branch from the great cedar tree planted on the highest mountain, and bring about the growth of many other trees. Ezekiel's enthusiasm is reflected in the teachings of Jesus, who announces the kingdom of God in a parable. The Lord takes whatever is small a mustard seed, a grain of wheat, or a small branch and makes it grow. For this reason, we can always place our trust in Him. We trust that the Lord of earth and sky will lead us through dark valleys toward His wonderful light and peace.

From the smallest to the largest, all is well in God's heart! Saint Paul continues the theme of trust in his Letter to the Corinthians, in which he exhorts us to live for the Lord while on earth, until we reach our heavenly reward. This theme invites us to reflect: In what or in whom do we place our trust? In our human labor, in those human relationships that can make our lives easier, or in material things that will ultimately disappear with time? The word of God today gives us an answer. Our trust should come from our faith in God and love of neighbor. More than with words, our response of trust should resound in our faith and our actions.

Rev. Juan J. Sosa